I am a Software Developer
Web Designer & Graphic Artist.
I am a specialized in Front-end and Back-end website design in low cost.
Whether you need a dynamic, database-driven php base website or a fully functioning e-commerce website, I have the creative talent and technical expertise to accommodate your companys web application development needs.
MoreThis is Shimanto. I am a web developer belongs to Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I started my career as a junior software developer, I am working as a software developer for last 10 years. After getting experience from several IT / Web Development firms.
I want to deliver my best within web designing and development area where performance is measured through achievements, because web is my way & programming is my passion. Are you thinking about to start a website for personal or business purpose? I am ready to assist you.
Whether you need a dynamic, database-driven php base website or a fully functioning e-commerce website, I have the creative talent and technical expertise to accommodate your companys web application development needs.
I am a specialized in Front-end and Back-end website design in low cost. Also development of high quality insightful and professional websites for small, medium and corporate sized business organizations.
I have more than 7 years of web development experience. I take on extensible knowledge-based programming framework & latest technology. I bring my custom code right into your security.
When I set out to design an identity for my firm, I wanted to portray an image of precision, individualism, and quality, and a sense of freedom and creativity. The main Objective of the company is to make the clients happy.
Responsive Web Design is a device-independent UI/UX design philosophy that aims to develop and deliver an optimized website experience on devices with different widths and different resolutions: PC, notebook, tablet, smart phone, etc.
Web design means defining what a website looks like or how it looks in general. As a web designer, your job is to create a complete web site template. For example, suppose the layout will look like Where the menu will be in the header, whether to have a sidebar, how to display the images and so on.
Differently speaking, the web designer's job is to determine how the information will be displayed, without having to worry about where the website information is and where it is stored. And to determine these designs, some programming, scripting languages and markup languages will be used.
Creating a website is very easy at the moment. To be present online for your own or business needs, you need to make the decision to purchase the desired domain, then choose the free or paid design and customize the content accordingly - it is very easy to create a website but then it is difficult to protect it! That's why website owners are often victims of malware attacks.
CMS settings In most cases, domain-hosting does not change the user name and password. This default credential can be a risk at any time, including loss of access to the website. Extensions and Plugins Updates Many people do not regularly update extensions and plugins, or leave them to do so later. This eliminates many security solutions. After uploading the file to a server that is not regularly backed up, it should be backed up immediately after updating. In this, the site is hacked but can be restructured after being returned.
Web design is about creating an external infrastructure for a website. That is, to determine what the website will look like or how it looks in general. The basic task of a web designer is to create a complete web site template, such as how its layout will be, where the menu will be in the header, whether the sidebar will be displayed and how to display images. There are no applications in web design. For example, login system, file uploading and saving to database, image manipulation, if there are ads on the site, then every time the page loads the advertisement changes these applications or web applications.
Rat voleneni ullam corporis suscipit labasic ut aliquidea commodi consequatur. Aquis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit. Asas dresasaser. Esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum. Dastqui dolorem ipsumquia dolsitmet conse tequam eius. Asmodi tempora incid. Dent ut labore t dolore magnam. Naliquam quae. Rat voleneni ullam corporis suscipit labasic ut aliquidea commodi consequatur. Aquis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, muytasas dresasaser. Esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum. Dastqui dolorem ipsumquia dolsitmet conse tequam eius. Asmodi tempo. Asas dresasaser. Esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum. Dastqui dolorem ipsumquia dolsitmet conse tequam eius. Asmodi tempora incid. Dent ut labore t dolore magnam. Naliquam quae. Rat voleneni ullam corporis suscipit labasic ut aliquidea
Best Resume Template:: HTML5, Bootstrap, css, Responsive. Very Visually pleasing.
Brainwave master Template:: HTML5, Bootstrap, css, Responsive. Very Visually pleasing.
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